
Find confidence in decisions, through awareness of what is important. Learn to recognise resistance and tension as opportunities for deeper alignment.

Benefit from tools and processes that generate wisdom through diversity and conversation design. Practice recognising the influences of bias, ego and emotion, that distract and undermine decision quality.


Sunrise Journey

Services Offered

Therapist facilitates support group


Able to provide sensitive and expert facilitation for single meetings or longer retreats.

Skilled in using vulnerability to build connection and psychological safety, and able to guide groups towards critical discussion areas and strong alignment.

Discounted rates available for not-for-profit and community organisations.

Step up


Teaching principles and providing tools that support the emergence of high quality conversation, and decision making.

Culture Change

Able to work within an organisation to identify constraints to high quality discussion and decisions, and roll out process changes, norms and assets that address constraints and improve the culture of decision making.

Wise Counsel

Through coaching, dialogue, awareness, and knowledge, I can support you in making wise decisions.


Provide mentorship and coaching to support individuals in developing the clarity of their vision and voice, and to identify subconscious motivations that drive behaviour.





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Enabling high quality decisions through analytics, facilitation, education and wise counsel.